Traffic circuit (Gap LFNA)

Traffic circuit (Gap LFNA)

      Shot from my MCR-ULC (83-AFK) over several days in March 2012, using 3 GoPro HD Hero cameras of which 2 were fixed on the wings with suction cups and the last one on the top of the elevator with a specific do-it-yourself mounting, this video offers you not only a complete view of the Gap-Tallard (LFNA) traffic circuit but also the beauty of the mountains cirque that surrounds this airfield.

      With this video, you are able to figure out the Gap-Tallard (LFNA) traffic circuit when the runway is 21 with its downwind, base, final legs followed by a landing. Moreover you can see the town of Tallard and, on a rocky peak, its castle overlooking the Durance valley which (built from the 14th to the 16th century) presents an architecture combining medieval and Renaissance styles.